21 January 2013


we are far apart but distant is not a problem for us
we got voice call, we got text message, we got webcam.
boyfie said : He miss me like hell. ME TOO!
hmmm.. finally he know how to appreciate our love. 
he gave me a lot his words, yet I hope you could keep your words
and show me the actions, because actions speak louder than words.

chance is precious, not every time you can use a word sorry to get back a chance.
no such thing for you to wasting the time and chance. TIME is LOVE.
we go through ups and downs.
but one thing.. we didn't give up to fight for it.

I'm glad that he said he will change himself to the bf that I want him to be.
with no lie, no flirt, be honest with each other.
this is what a real relationship could be! right?? =)
and unexpected he will say this to me..
"I can't be your FIRST, but I want to be your LAST."

Hubby boy, I hope you could keep your words tight and show me.
you know I don't like words. =)
what you have promised, you have to remember kay ? DON'T BREAK THE PROMISE.

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